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    O2 and Ericsson issue joint apology over data disruption


    Posts : 357
    Join date : 2017-11-26

    O2 and Ericsson issue joint apology over data disruption Empty O2 and Ericsson issue joint apology over data disruption

    Post  George Thu 06 Dec 2018, 19:45

    Thursday 6 December 2018
    O2 and Ericsson issue joint apology over data disruption

    O2 and its mobile network equipment supplier Ericsson have issued a joint apology to the millions of customers hit by disruption to its data services.

    I am on O2 myself, and when I found I could not access the Internet with my mobile data this morning, I nearly went mental, wondering whether there was a problem with my smartphone, or whether there was a problem with me – whether my mobile-service provider had blocked me from using the Internet with my history of using it to browse porn on-line while by-passing the system’s age-verification check by using the Bing search engine.

    It is therefore good to know that both I and my phone are perfectly fine.

    BBC News

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 06:32