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    Meghan and Harry expecting baby


    Posts : 69
    Join date : 2017-12-02

    Meghan and Harry expecting baby Empty Meghan and Harry expecting baby

    Post  Ian Mon 15 Oct 2018, 18:28

    Monday 15 October 2018
    Meghan expecting royal baby next spring

    One of the questions in today’s edition of “The Chase” is about who is next in line to the throne after Prince Harry.

    The answer, Prince Andrew, was true at the time of the recording of the ITV programme – and is still true, for the time being.

    When Meghan’s baby is born, however, it will be that child who is next in line to the throne after the Duke of Sussex.

    BBC News

      Current date/time is Sat 12 Oct 2024, 22:59