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    Human actions boosted heatwave odds


    Posts : 55
    Join date : 2018-01-16

    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  Melissa Tue 31 Jul 2018, 10:17

    Friday 27 July 2018
    Climate change driven by humans made heatwave “twice as likely”

    Climate change resulting from human activities made the current Europe-wide heatwave more than twice as likely to occur, say scientists.

    Their preliminary report found that the “signal of climate change is unambiguous” in this summer’s heat.

    They also say the scale of the heatwave in the Arctic is unprecedented.

    BBC News

    Posts : 357
    Join date : 2017-11-26

    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Re: Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  George Tue 31 Jul 2018, 12:57

    I found last Thursday to be the hottest day of the year so far in the UK.


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    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Re: Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  Melissa Tue 31 Jul 2018, 16:58

    It’s not so bad now, but I’ve just learnt that it’s going to get very hot again towards the end of the week. It looks like going to be the hottest summer since goodness knows when!

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    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Re: Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  Vera Tue 31 Jul 2018, 17:32

    I’ve heard that spirits from the other side find it more difficult to come through to our side in places with hot climates than in those where it is not so hot. If this theory is true, then this heatwave is not conducive to spiritualism!

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    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Re: Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  Ian Sun 05 Aug 2018, 13:04

    Friday 3 August 2018
    Too hot? In 1858 a heatwave turned London into a stinking sewer

    Suffering in the hot weather? Spare a thought then for the population of London back in 1858, a year of sky-high temperatures and the Great Stink.

    That year, the London Standard reported temperatures of over 30°C by the middle of June and the weather stayed hot for several weeks.

    There was no air conditioning, no refrigeration, it was really hard to keep food fresh and there was no proper sewerage system, according to Museum of London curator Beverley Cook.

    BBC News

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    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Re: Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  Harald Sat 11 Aug 2018, 16:33

    Thursday 9 August 2018
    Heatwave blamed for record A&E attendances in England

    The heatwave is being blamed for record numbers of people going to A&E in England in July.

    As temperatures soared, attendances reached more than 2.1 million – the highest since records began in 2010.

    The figures are part of a raft of data released on Thursday by NHS England.

    BBC News

    Posts : 55
    Join date : 2018-01-16

    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Re: Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  Melissa Sat 25 Aug 2018, 15:24

    Saturday 25 August 2018
    Glorious late summer harvest expected after 2018’s heatwave

    The i today has a story on the prospect of a post-heatwave bumper harvest this year.

    “The heatwave is leading to the best and earliest harvest of late summer crops such as apples, plums, grapes, tomatoes and even olives, in years, experts said,” writes Emily Beament.

    She explains how the cold start to 2018 also helped to set up conditions for a good yield – by forcing the blossoms to appear late and so escape being ravaged by any late frost.

    Online version of the story

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    Human actions boosted heatwave odds Empty Re: Human actions boosted heatwave odds

    Post  Vicky Tue 28 Aug 2018, 16:17

    The name El Niño comes from the Spanish for “the (boy) child” – and should be spelt with a tilde (~) over the second letter n! What the fuck is wrong with British journalists who don’t bother with it? Evil or Very Mad

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