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    π world record smashed with Google help


    Posts : 56
    Join date : 2017-12-02

    π world record smashed with Google help Empty π world record smashed with Google help

    Post  Sophie Thu 14 Mar 2019, 19:54

    Thursday 14 March 2019
    Emma Haruka Iwao smashes pi world record with Google help

    The value of the number π has been calculated to a new world record length of 31 trillion digits, far past the previous record of 22 trillion.

    “Pi is useful not only for measuring circles but it also appears in calculations for everything from the period of a pendulum to the buckling force of a beam,” said mathematician Matt Parker.

    “Modern maths, physics, engineering and technology could not function without π.”

    BBC News

    Posts : 54
    Join date : 2018-01-16

    π world record smashed with Google help Empty Re: π world record smashed with Google help

    Post  Michael Sun 17 Mar 2019, 16:02

    The film Life of Pi (2012) was directed by Ang Lee.

    Posts : 73
    Join date : 2017-11-27

    π world record smashed with Google help Empty Re: π world record smashed with Google help

    Post  Vicky Sun 17 Mar 2019, 16:16

    Based on the award-winning novel of the same title by Yann Martel. The two-word name of the protagonist is nothing to do with the mathematical constant, being merely short for his real name, Piscine Molitor Patel.

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