Brenda Hodgson does angel cards.
Michael is for protection, Raphael for healing – got it. The first card was about protection. I have built a wall around me for protection – but the wall is also having an unwanted side effect, blocking out healing and love from the spirit world. The second card was about not trying to fix someone. I am not responsible for leading other people’s lives – all I can do is adapt to their ways. The third card was about my interests and hobbies. I like to do things, and feel a sense of accomplishment from doing them. The fourth card, from nature, was about courage. I am like an animal that has been standing still for too long, not having the courage to budge and instead allowing snow to accumulate on my pelt. And the fifth card was a message from the Spirit world to me – and I have fucking forgotten what the message was. Can you believe it? Well, whatever it was, it was whatever it was.
Anyway, I am totally positive that Brenda will make an excellent circle leader – the best by far in any circle I have sat in, open or closed.