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    Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins


    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2017-12-02

    Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins Empty Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins

    Post  Vera Sun 26 Aug 2018, 12:43

    Sunday 26 August 2018
    Pope begs forgiveness for clerical sex abuse

    Pope Francis has begged forgiveness for clerical child sex abuse and reiterated his wish to see justice served.

    He said no-one could fail to be moved by stories of those who “suffered abuse, were robbed of their innocence and left scarred by painful memories”.

    Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach) Leo Varadkar delivered a strong warning to the Pope to take action against clergy involved in child abuse and in keeping it secret.

    BBC News

    Posts : 54
    Join date : 2018-01-16

    Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins Empty Re: Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins

    Post  Michael Mon 27 Aug 2018, 09:24

    “When your pride is on the floor, I’ll make you beg for more,” sang Shakespears Sister in 1992. And: “When you call my name, it’s like a little prayer; I’m down on my knees, I wanna take you there,” sang Madonna in 1989.

          Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins Ddfd5c1e7fa76d86d18360de28b79368

    It goes to show that no matter how righteous or holier-than-thou you are or think you are, your humble humanity renders you liable to be brought to your knees at any time for any reason.

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    Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins Empty Re: Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins

    Post  George Mon 27 Aug 2018, 09:49

    Michael wrote:“When your pride is on the floor, I’ll make you beg for more,” sang Shakespears Sister in 1992.

    “Stay” was one of my favourite songs in the 1990s (when I was more appreciative of pop music than I now am). But it was Siobhan Fahey’s former group Bananarama who caught my fancy after I fell in love with the song “Love In The First Degree”, with its mildly syncopated rhythms, in 1988. (The song was released in 1987 but I first heard it in 1988.)


    Posts : 69
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    Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins Empty Re: Pope begs forgiveness for Church sins

    Post  Ian Mon 04 Feb 2019, 14:29

    Sunday 3 February 2019
    Pope Francis arrives on historic visit to UAE

    Pope Francis has arrived in the United Arab Emirates for the first ever visit by a pontiff to the Arabian peninsula.

    Before leaving he expressed concern about the war in Yemen, in which the UAE is engaged.

    It is not clear whether the Pope plans to raise the issue in public or in private while visiting the UAE. The UAE is involved in Yemen as part of a Saudi-led coalition.

    BBC News

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