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    AI-controlled brain implants for mood disorders tested in people


    Posts : 357
    Join date : 2017-11-26

    AI-controlled brain implants for mood disorders tested in people Empty AI-controlled brain implants for mood disorders tested in people

    Post  George Sun 26 Nov 2017, 17:07

    Wednesday 22 November 2017
    AI-controlled brain implants for mood disorders tested in people

    Brain implants that deliver electrical pulses tuned to a person’s feelings and behaviour are being tested in people for the first time.

    Two teams funded by the US military’s research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), have begun preliminary trials of “closed-loop” brain implants that use algorithms to detect patterns associated with mood disorders.

    These devices can shock the brain back to a healthy state without input from a physician.


      Current date/time is Sat 12 Oct 2024, 22:50