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    Henry Watson Fowler


    Posts : 357
    Join date : 2017-11-26

    Henry Watson Fowler Empty Henry Watson Fowler

    Post  George Tue 28 Nov 2017, 21:13

    I have just read about Fowler, Henry Watson (1858–1933) in the glossary of essential information in Chapter 17, “Language and communication”, of the section THE STUDY OF MAN in Volume 2, THE HUMAN WORLD, of the Reader’s Digest Library of Modern Knowledge.

    His Dictionary of Modern English Usage was published in 1926 – so it is not really modern now, is it? As for The King’s English, cowritten with his brother Frank, that came out in 1906 – so it would be the English of King Edward VII.

      Current date/time is Sat 12 Oct 2024, 21:36